
Leaf Spirit is aware of the excessive waste and pollution caused by the fashion industry.
Our mission is to promote a new approach to fashion that embraces sustainability, quality, and uniqueness, moving away from the paradigms of fast fashion characterized instead by excessive speed, overproduction, waste, and pollution.
To do this, we have adopted the following measures:
Ecoprinting and natural dyeing represent the heart of our philosophy.
The first is a natural printing technique where only plants such as roots, flowers, leaves, and berries are used, which, in close contact with the fabric, imprint their shape and natural color.
An extremely defined image.
An extremely defined image.
The leaves are arranged on the fabric, which is then wrapped around them and immersed in hot water or steam to allow
The transfer of pigments.

What you get is always a surprise because it varies depending on the type and quality of the fabric, the way it is prepared, the plant species applied to it, the season it is harvested, and the temperature at which it is cooked.
Therefore, there remains a technique that retains a touch of magic and partly escapes human control.
Therefore, it can never be produced through an industrial mass production process.
Each piece is different and unique and retains the soul of the leaves it has welcomed.
Each piece is different and unique and retains the soul of the leaves it has welcomed.
Fabrics purchased in Italy, 100% natural originating from company leftovers or scraps.
Non-polluting colorants, completely of natural origin obtained from plants and other organic materials to create unique and vibrant patterns
on our fabrics.
Short supply chain and ethical work
We collaborate closely with local artisans who share our ethical values, ensuring decent working conditions for all.
our collaborators.

We also commit to recycling waste, transforming it into new productions to minimize waste.
By choosing to support Anima di Foglia, you contribute to promoting a slower, responsible, and environmentally friendly fashion.